Stop Hunting for Odd Size A/C Filters

After spending more than a decade in the HVAC industry, we have all the experience needed to serve you right. Through years of experience and realizing how difficult it can be to find the correct size a/c filter, we decided to solve the problem ourselves.

Filter Fitter is the only solution for poor fitting air filters. This works especially well for those of you that are using hi efficiency or allergen filters. Our product will allow your filter to create a seal in your return filter grill. This allows all of your return air to be filtered giving you peace of mind and ensuring your air handler is getting clean air. A clean evaporator coil is a happy evaporator coil!

For those of you that use odd size air filters, we are the solution for you as well. Most air handlers and filter returns that require odd size filters are just one inch off. Here's an example. Attempt to find a 20"x21"x1" filter at your local hardware store, they simply just don't carry this size filter anywhere locally. This size filter is only available by custom ordering them in quantity for a premium price. It would be much easier to by a common 20"x20"x1" filter and use Filter Fitter to add the extra inch you need.

Filter Fitter Sample

The Only A/C Filter Adapter On The Market

We are proud to say that Filter Fitter is the one and only device of its kind ever made. Years of designing and development have gone in to its final production. We hope you find it as helpful as we do, please tell a friend!

Poor fitting filters allow unfiltered air to enter your system, which will eventually clog your evaporator coil with dirt and dust. A dirty evaporator coil restricts the air flow through your system, causing poor performance and higher electric bills before causing your a/c to freeze over. Of course, this always seems to happen in the middle of summer on the hottest day, and cleaning an evaporator coil is an expensive repair that takes several hours and special equipment.

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Dirty Evaporator Coils

This is a dirty evaporator coil from using the wrong size filter. This causes your air conditioner to work harder and use more electricity. Filter Fitter will prevent dirty air getting past your filter.

Installed in a Filter Return

This is Filter Fitter installed on a filter inside a filter return. Filter Fitter fixed this customer's poor fitting filter. Before Filter Fitter, this filter would bend and get pulled into the air handler even though the proper sized air filter was used.

Filter Fitter in Air Handler

This is Filter Fitter installed on a filter for an air handler. This air handler required a hard to find size filter. After installing Filter Fitter, it now fits perfectly using filters that can be purchased locally. This saves you time and money.